LBZ Duramax Injector
LMM Duramax InjectorLMM Duramax InjectorLMM Duramax Injector

LBZ Duramax Injector (set of 8)

LBZ Bosch Injectors Duramax (set of 8)

SKU: LBZ Bosch Injectors Duramax (set of 8) Categories: , ,

Product Description

LBZ Duramax Injector (set of 8)


Every Remanufactured LBZ Duramax Injector is manufactured back to factory new specs or better. The LBZ Duramax Injector was used in the Chevrolet and GMC vehicles in years 2006 and 2007. The 8th digit of the VIN will identify which engine model you have.

The manufacturing process put in place ensures optimum quality and reliability for the LBZ Injector. Each injector is processed keeping all components together to minimize part fit variation and maintain original performance. After cleaning, all injector clearances are measured with precision air gauges to confirm and prevent any fuel leakage passing the critical high-pressure components. All air gauge data measurements are retained and stored by serial number and date, providing additional comfort and security for our customers knowing that we stand behind our parts. After assembly, all injectors are 100% tested.

After the test phase of the injector, a code is produced and etched onto the injector. This code is used during the installation of the injectors. It must be programmed into the ECU which then uses the information to set parameters specific to each injector. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the process.